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Customized Workout Plan

Need a  fresh new workout plan specific to YOU and your goals? 


Personal training with us but need those extra home workouts?


Not able to personal train with us but want the guidance and programming of personal training?


Let us create a step by step workout program that works for your goals, time frame and schedule. 

We also HIGHLY recommend adding on our APP to get even more total body benefiting sessions into your weekly routine for half the cost!


Pricing and Details


Consultation, Questionnaire  (Email, Phone Call or Video Chat) - $50

- Going over goals, workout style, time frame, how many programs etc..


Per Written Program  - $50

- Basic step by step written program with warm up and cool down included with descriptions, time, reps etc..


Per Video Program - $100

- Video step by step program with warm up and cool down included  with descriptions, time, reps etc.. With visual walk through of each move to ensure proper form and correct movement is met


Have you checked out our personal training options? We offer a 3 month commitment that comes along with a  big price break and incorportes 2 sessions weekly PLUS added home workout programs. - If you are local this is worth checking out!  CLICK HERE to head to our personal training.



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